Flemish Masters in situ

Flemish Masters where they are at home

The Flemish Masters often created their works for a specific location: a church, a monastery, a town hall, a castle, etc. Many of those pieces have since moved to museums, but some can still be viewed at their original location. A unique experience. You stand where the artist must have stood and you see what he saw: the exact spot where his work would come, the lighting, the space around it. You cannot get closer to the essence of a work of art and to the soul of a place.

Rubens zelfportret

The greatest Masters assembled

Theodoor van Loon, Antoon van Dyck, Peter Paul Rubens, Constant Permeke, Hans Memling, Jacob Jordaens, Paul Delvaux, You'll find them all over Flanders.

Antwerpen_Sint-Carolus Borromeuskerk (c)Saskia Vanderstichele - Openbaar Kunstbezit Vlaanderen

100 exceptional locations

In Flanders you can still find dozens of paintings, sculptures, altarpieces and other works at the place for which they were originally created or where they have often been for centuries. Discover Flanders and visit our Masters in their ‘homes’ and in our museums.

Vrouw in de spiegel - Gustave de Smet_Van Buuren Museum_Ukkel_(c)KIK-IRPA

A unique experience

You stand where the artist must have stood and you see what he saw: the exact spot where his work would come, the lighting, the space around it. You cannot get closer to the essence of a work of art and to the soul of a place.

"So many important pieces have moved to museums in famous art cities over the years, but here, in churches or castles, you really get to know them"

Pieter I Bruegel - De val van de opstandige engelen © Royal Museums of Fine Arts Belgium, Brussels photo J. Geleyns - Ro scan

Flemish Masters

Flanders is fertile ground for art and heritage. As well as museums containing a wealth of masterpieces, there is art to be found in numerous churches and castles, town halls and abbeys, chapels, artists’ homes and many other places. Flanders is one enormous museum, as it were, courtesy of the Flemish Masters.