Masters of Imagination

Abdij Van Park - Leuven 1 © Layla Aerts
The churches, beguinages and abbeys in and around Leuven are home to true gems of religious art. You can find them all on the ‘Masters in Imagination’ route.

Religious art is unique. The master works bring stories to life in a powerful, visual way, expressing what words cannot convey. Moreover, you get a feeling for how people lived and experienced their faith in those times.

Would you like a personal guide? Put the headphones on at each location and a narrator will reveal fascinating facts, exciting legends and juicy anecdotes. Why is this master work to be found here? What does it tell us about the faith experience of the inhabitants? You hear all about this during your walk or bike ride.

Discover these places with Flemish Masters

Park Abbey, Leuven

Step over the threshold at Park Abbey, and you walk into 900 years of history. In 1129, the Norbertines received a piece of land here so that they could found an abbey. This order was driven by contemplation, labour and poverty. Although you would not immediately guess that ideal from the rich stucco ceiling in the refectory, crafted by master Jan Christiaan Hansche. Nice to know: Park Abbey is one of the best-preserved medieval abbeys in Europe.

Tip for those seeking peace: the Silentii artwork 
Want to experience tranquillity through the sounds of ancient polyphony music? That’s possible, somewhat tucked away at the Neerhof. 

Tip: be sure to visit the Boodschapkapel at the Sacred Heart Institute in Heverlee. Every second Sunday of the month (10 a.m. - 5 p.m.), you can experience a beautiful interplay of light and colour in this modernist chapel.  
In the mood for even more beauty? Then St Quentin’s Church, another site on this master tour, is only a half-hour stroll away.  

900 years is a long time. So you can surely find some time to enjoy one of the beautiful walks on the domain. The 10 perspectives walk, for example, where - as the name suggests - you see the abbey and its surroundings from its 10 most beautiful sides.

By the way, did you know that the abbey site is still a bustling place today? Be sure to visit Hoevewinkel De Wikke, located in the historic tithe barn. This farm shop sells a wide range of organic vegetables, fruit and dairy products. 

Is it time to satisfy your hunger? Then you are always welcome at Brasserie De Abdijmolen. At Park Bed & Breakfast, you can extend your visit with an overnight stay.  

Opening hours 
Opening hours and closing days 

During opening hours, you are welcome to visit the museum, church, the abbey partners and abbey park.

Abdij Van Park © Jan Crab
Abdij Van Park - Leuven 1 © Layla Aerts
abdij-van-park_Meesters in verbeelding (c) DoorDries (2)
Etalageroute-FietsenVanuitLeuven-Abdij Van Park-HR-026

St. Peter’s Church, Leuven

Before entering this late Gothic 15th century church, make a small diversion to Dirk Boutslaan and take a look at the construction. Did you notice that the towers have never been finished? This is because the ground is unsuitable, lacking sufficient bearing capacity for the heavy stone.

In the beautifully restored church - recognised in 1999 as a UNESCO World Heritage Site - you are in the right place for a sensory experience. This is home for numerous top pieces, including several master works by Dieric Bouts - a ‘virtuoso painter’ as M Leuven describes the Flemish primitive.

Speaking of M Leuven: that museum is just a stone’s throw away. On their website, you can find all information about the programmes in St Peter’s Church.

Want to add the perfect finishing touch to this Master Tour? Then book a guided tour, discover Dieric Bouts’ masterpiece The Last Supper with a hololens, or follow the family trail and unlock all the secrets of St Peter’s Church together with your children or grandchildren.

Interested in seeing more of Bouts’ work and stretching your legs at the same time? Then the brand new Bouts cycle route is just what the doctor ordered.

Ready to immerse yourself in another, more elevated atmosphere? The Leuven Beer Adventure walking and cycling route passes by this church. 

Of course, you can also find a spot in one of the dozens of restaurants and convivial cafés. There are excellent establishments near Muntstraat, the Grote Markt and the Oude Markt.  

Not ready to go home just yet? Martin’s Monastery offers you a soft bed in a beautiful location. Nice touch: this hotel carries the Green Key Label. So, you can enjoy sustainable comfort there!

Opening hours

  • Between 1 October and 31 March, the church is closed on Wednesdays
  • Open Monday to Saturday from 10 a.m. until 4:30 p.m.
  • Open Sundays and bank holidays from 11 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. 
Sint-Pieterskerk - M Leuven
M Leuven © Dries Lievens
Leuven Horeca Muntstraat ©Jan Crab

St Gertrude’s Church, Leuven

While the Norbertines of Park Abbey took a vow of poverty, the residents here chose a different path. Since the early 13th century, St Gertrude’s Church and the abbey of the same name have been home to a community of prosperous canons. You see this in the stunning church building, an eye-catcher in the Leuven cityscape. The interior is filled with splendour, with the Late Gothic choir pews, crafted by master Mathieu de Waeyer, as the highlight.

In the shadow of St Gertrude’s church lies the picturesque Small Beguinage, where the women who served in the abbey lived. From here you have a magnificent view of the church’s stone spire, dubbed ‘one of the seven wonders of the city of Leuven’.

Tip: St Gertrude’s Church is located near the Vaartkom. In this trendy neighbourhood, you are sure to stumble across renowned restaurants and cafés. Will it be De Hoorn, HOP Gastrobar, North Bank, Entrepot, Madmum or Florido Food Bar? You are really spoilt for choice. 

Want to crown a perfect day with a blissful night’s rest? Then book a room at De Vaartkom with a view of the water. 

St Gertrude’s Church is the starting point for the Cycling route along the Leuven abbeys. This fascinating bike ride takes you past Vlierbeek Abbey and Keizersberg Abbey and other notable sites.

Another recommended route is the Horstroute. This takes you through the undulating Hageland - with vineyards! - to Horst Castle. Nice to know: J.C. Hansche, the man who crafted the beautiful stucco ceiling at Park Abbey, also left his mark here. There is no point in paying a call on the lord of the castle; the building is being restored. In 2026, the castle will be reopening its gates.  

Opening hours

  • From 1 April until 30 September, open Tuesday to Sunday from 1:30 p.m. until 4:30 p.m. 
Sint-Geertruikerk Leuven
Gotische Koorbanken ca. 1540 door Mathieu de Waeyer ©Visit Leuven
sint-geertruikerk_Meesters in verbeelding (c) DoorDries (3)
Kasteel van Horst

Church of St John the Baptist, Leuven

Interested in a trip to the past? Then step into the Great Beguinage, and you are immediately transported back to the 13th century. It is here that you find the Church of St John the Baptist, a masterpiece of early Gothic architecture, the construction of which spanned more than one hundred years. Restoration work in the 1970s uncovered some beautiful murals. Can you spot the parable of the five wise and five foolish virgins from the gospel according to Matthew?


Not ready just yet to return to the 21st century? Then spend the night at the Beguinage Hotel or Guesthouse Begijnhof . Both places are your dream base for an exploration of Leuven and probably the best option after enjoying the fine cuisine at Restaurant Cum Laude.

Opening hours

  • From 1 April until 30 September, open Tuesday to Sunday from 1:30 p.m. until 4:30 p.m. 
Sint-Jan-de-Doperkerk in het Groot Begijnhof van Leuven
sint-jan-de-doperkerk_Meesters in verbeelding (c) DoorDries
Groot begijnhof Leuven © Niko Caignie - Toerisme Leuven

St Quentin’s Church, Leuven

This is Leuven’s most beautiful church’, wrote Justus Lipsius. The famous humanist was impressed by the successful architectural whole and the elegant, stately form of St Quentin’s Church. You can admire a unique work of art there: The Last Supper by Jan Willems. This imposing altarpiece is the only painting by the Flemish master that has been preserved.

From stately to serene. Just in front of St Quentin’s Church, there is a small chapel - Jesus in ’t Steentje. Enjoyment of the silence and tranquillity is the motto here. You will not find a better place to light a candle, for whatever reason.

Is it time for a snack, a drink or both? Then you’re in good hands at neighbourhood spots such as Bar Stan, Bar del Sol, or coffee bar Noir.

Opening hours

  • From 1 April until 30 September, open Tuesday to Sunday from 1:30 p.m. until 4:30 p.m. 
Detail van de gastheer (Jan Willems?) in de keuken ©KIK BALAT, foto Jean-Luc Elias
sint-kwintenskerk_Meesters in verbeelding (c) DoorDries

St Amand’s Church, Erps (Kortenberg)

Since the 17th century, this church has been a place of pilgrimage for thousands of pilgrims. They worship Saints Marculf, Catherine, Cornelius and Barbara here. The well-known Flemish Baroque painter Pieter-Jozef Verhaghen illustrated the rich history of St Amand’s Church in two altar paintings.

Pieter-Jozef Verhaghen received many commissions from abbeys, churches and other religious institutions in and around Leuven. That is the reason why Jesus on the Mount of Olives hangs in St Quentin’s Church. In the Church of St John the Evangelist at Park Abbey, you can even admire an entire cycle of his work.

Opening hours

  • Open every day from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. 


Sint-Amanduskerk in Erps
De Heilige Barbara, door Pieter-Jozef Verhaghen, 1785 ©KIK BALAT, foto Jean-Luc Elias
sint-amanduskerk_Meesters in verbeelding (c) DoorDries (3)

St Catherine’s church, Zuurbemde (Glabbeek)

This modest parish church houses a magnificent hidden gem: the Sacrament Tower, attributed to the renowned Renaissance artist Cornelis Floris II De Vriendt. This unique masterpiece is more than 7 metres high and has over 100 architectural components. In short, your visit to St Catherine’s Church will definitely be worthwhile.

Near the church is the source of the St Sulpitius Spring, a popular pilgrimage site for farmers since the 14th century. The water is said to cure foot-and-mouth disease. But even if you do not have any ailments, you can safely take a sip.

Opening hours

  • Open every Sunday from 1 p.m. until 5 p.m. 
Detail prianten ©KIK BALAT, foto Katrien Van Acker

The more inspiration, the more engaging your Master tour

Explore Leuven’s churches virtually

Interested in a preview of your Master Tour? Admire the interiors of Leuven’s seven most beautiful churches from the comfort of your own armchair. You can find the impressive 360° images on the website of Erfgoedcel Leuven.

Are you a heritage fan with legs made for walking or cycling? Then these routes are right up your street:

You can find all the practical details for renting bikes here.

Curious about what connects these seven religious heritage gems? Or what a piece of art reveals about its location and the people of the time? You find that out while you listen to the Masters Story. Will you be tuning in

Hidden Flemish Masters put on the map