Saint James’ Church

Artus Quellinus (1609-1668)

Sint-Jacobskerk Antwerpen

Sint-Jacobstraat 9, Antwerpen

Visit the last resting place of the 17th century’s greatest Northern European artist! Peter Paul Rubens created the painting above his grave in the Saint James's Church in Antwerp himself. Also do not forget to admire Artus Quellinus’s Pietà. It’s a real treat!

Saint James’ Church

The Gothic Sint-Jacobskerk in Antwerp's student district was built between 1490 and 1656. The interior overwhelms you with its Baroque, marble furnishings and 24 altars. This was quite clearly a parish church of well-to-do citizens. One of them, Peter Paul Rubens, was given his final resting place here in 1640. The art collection, which includes funerary monuments, magnificent church furniture and a resplendent church treasury is uncommonly lavish. The church is still a pilgrimage church for those travelling to Santiago de Compostela and is known for its traditional Mass celebrations.

Sint-Jacobskerk in Antwerpen

Pietà - Artus Quellinus (1609-1668)

The Pietàby Artus Quellinus I is displayed in the Onze-Lieve-Vrouwekapel (Chapel of Our Lady) of the Sint-Jacobskerk. Not on the main altar but serenely displayed on a pedestal beside it. It has stood there since 1650. Around that time the jesuits planned the revival of a late medieval tradition associated with meditation focused on the five wounds of Christ. With the bishop’s permission, the Pieta of Artus I Quellinus was inaugurated on 6 March 1650 (the first Sunday of Lent). The following Sunday of Lent it was carried in procession around the church and then placed before the altar of the Onze-Lieve-Vrouwekapel. With ‘organ accompaniment’ consisting of the impressive Stabat Mater Dolorosa.

The beautiful sculpture by Artus I Quellinus depicts the Blessed Virgin under the cross, in a contemplative and meditative pose. Dignified and self-possessed. Extremely important and evident in the Onze-Lieve-Vrouwekapel is the ‘duty’ of Mary. She shows the body of her deceased son, sitting under the shroud in which Jesus will be wrapped and buried. She is also no longer isolated from her son in these Pièta representations. She is as one with him, which provides a captivating image for meditation concerning his death. The Quellinus family left behind a significant legacy in the Sint-Jacobskerk. One of them, Artus II, was even given his final resting place there: in front of the chancel end but with a ‘view’ of the main altar where ‘his’ Sint-Jacobus (Saint James) is the centre piece. Both Erasmus II Quellinus and his son Jan-Erasmus (1634-1715) are represented with impressive altarpieces.

Antwerpen Artus Quellinus Piëta

Madonna Surrounded by Saints (c. 1630) - Peter Paul Rubens

In the Rubens Chapel, you will find the final resting place of Peter Paul Rubens. The 17th-century interior includes a monumental marble altar with Peter Paul Rubens' painting Madonna surrounded by saints as an eye-catcher.  

This work was completed around 1630. It is not known for whom Rubens painted this work. However, for a yet unknown reason, the delivery of the painting never took place. It was left behind in Rubens' studio, where the artist further reworked the painting. 

It would have been Rubens' express wish that the Madonna surrounded by saints be given a place in his future burial chapel in Antwerp's St James' Church. Construction of this chapel presumably started in 1641, a year after Rubens' death. The painting was placed in the altar of the Rubens Chapel around 1650.

Madonna omringd door heiligen - Peter Paul Rubens_Antwerpen_Sint-Jacobskerk(c) Michel Wuyts & Louis De Peuter

Mater dolorosa (c. 1650) - Lucas Faydherbe

Besides Rubens' masterpiece, the Mater Dolorosa, attributed to Lucas Faydherbe (1617-1697), adorns the chapel's altar. Rubens kept this work in his art collection and on his deathbed designated it specifically for this altar. During the last three years of Rubens' life, Faydherbe lived with him and mainly sculpted ivory figurines after his drawings.  

Mary turns away from the sword that pierces her chest looking skyward. Two angels honour her by holding a crown over her head, symbolising the heavenly reward for her faithfulness through good and bad days.


OLV van Smarten (c) CC-BY KIK-IRPA-Brussel-fotonummer 11067725

Practical information


Sint-Jacobstraat 9
2000 Antwerpen
View directions

Opening hours

  • Open Monday to Sunday from 14.00 to 17.00 hrs.

  • Closed on Christmas and New Year's Day

  • Opening hours may vary.

  • The Rubens Chapel is currently being restored and is not open to visitors. It is scheduled to reopen in the first quarter of 2026


  • Easy access for people with disabilities.

Good to know

  • Admission: free

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